Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Kimberly Rojas

“What am I?” Kimberly Rojas
By Kimberly Rojas Per.5
I am from thread going through a needles eye
I am from colors that you could find in a rainbow
I am from expensive brands, Hollister
Whose many styles I could make my own.

I am from young kids,
from preschool to senior
I’m from the hard work and the easy work,
From laziness and sometime boredom.
I’m from a good future life
with lots of money
and a good place to make your dreams come true.

I’m from fire and smoke,
burn wood and strong wood.
From the effort my father put
to the disaster fire
the time my father put to make his dream true.
Under the disaster their was a burn treasure
Spilling old memories
to go under my dreams.
I am from those moments
Plan before I build it
to make my dream survive.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent details in the first stanza: needle's eye, Skittles, Hollister. Second stanza is very believable, so realistic. The third stanza utterly devastating and ultimately uplifting.
